Added Changed Fixed

AACT 2.0.11 - Release Notes

2 years ago


  • Added support for Windows 11.


  • BreakLock now requires a paremeter. (BreakLock; is still valid and will count as BreakLock:[false];)
  • BreakLock can now be shortened to BL.


  • Fixed an issue where GIF animations, while removed from the cache, would remove the currently playing animation as well.
  • Fixed several path issues with script files that prevented the compiler from finding them.
  • Fixed some issues when using different positions with the same character. Now, an emote can only be displayed once but multiple emotes from the same character can be used on multiple positions.
  • Extensive rewriting of the caching logic that nearly drove me insane.
  • Fixed Flac files being saved as MP3 when changing the track via the Asset Maker.
  • Fixed \Q escape code not working.